"Flowers nourish the Soul."
With SoulNRG's support, your True Inner Self is revealed, creating opportunity for a more joyful and purposeful journey.

Meet Betsy
FES Certified Advanced Flower Essence Practitioner
My autobiography covers a vast set of chapters that touches on so many characters and stories that I often find one or more to illustrate an experience or paint a picture for a client. You, too, will see your autobiography come into play as we journey together to claim your rightful, Joyful place in Life. Set aside time to work with me to help you navigate your way and find your unique voice in the world.
Learn to Become a Wayfinder
On Your Own Journey
Life, at it's essence, is about being joyful and loving, a fully blossomed soul life. As a navigator must be mindful of conscious and underlying influences of how they call, and will, get from here to there, so must we navigate in our own journey to being that fully blossomed soul - stacked first by our lineage, then by the world-at-large around us at any given time, and finally by our own choices.
A joyful soul feels present, confident and connected to the Universe. Abundance can't help but to find your bright beacon! Flower essence remedies provide opportunities to find your way to nourish your soul's purpose.
I speak fluent Flower.
The energetic signature of each remedy is an insight to the nourishment required to bring your unique situation into better balance.
Each type of flower is uniquely imprinted with its own signature, determined by
the elemental forces that combine to make
it thrive. I use the flowers' wisdom to navigate you through new language
and understanding of your unique
elemental forces.
Creating inner space to
use in productive and
soul-satisfying ways is
key to the path of abundance.
The "wayfinding" process is fun, creative
and full of awesome discovery. The space you make allows your soul to feel lighter
and freer. Joy is weightless compared to
the heaviness of uncertainty, fear, stress,
low self-esteem and anxiety. My work shifts lives when we work together for positive growth - a beautiful, bright blossom of nourishment, resilience and growth.