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The Flower Essence Conference

Fri, Apr 29


Live and On-Demand Event

A conference for ALL who work with (or would like to work with) flower essences, regardless of experience. Hosted by Ruth Toledo Altschuler (of Essence Mentoring), Kathleen Aspenns (Flora of Asia) and Rochana Felde (Wiseflower Wellness).

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The Flower Essence Conference
The Flower Essence Conference

Time & Location

Apr 29, 2022, 9:00 AM – May 02, 2022, 7:00 PM

Live and On-Demand Event

About the Event

Flower essence experts from around the world offer wisdom and support that will carry us forward in these challenging times.  Join Ruth, Kathleen and Rochana as the hosts of this amazing conference with over 30 speakers and 6 live panel 


My session is:  

"Using Your Inner Compass to Find Joy & Purpose

A  significant, and often critical, outcome of the work done in my practice  is helping the brain react to anxiety and frustration by asking “What  do I need to do?” (instead of screaming “Not again!”). Freedom from  “future fear narrative” reactions opens the door to changing behavior  patterns and jump-starting the journey you long to be on.

The flower essence language speaks to the continuum of choices that  exist, even when the brain thinks there are none. Embracing that concept  creates space for your heart and soul to impact decision-making, thus  gaining clarity regarding anxiety and trauma, and increasing control in  life.

My “inner compass” tools help clients discover the unique geography  of their life and create different routes, or new maps entirely, towards  their destination. They put the steering wheel in the client’s hands,  moving towards choice-driven behavior and away from reactive “future  fear” narratives. The compasses are lifelong guides to self-correct your  course – they reference your patterns of imbalance and the fully  nourished place your soul longs for.

I will share real examples of similar narratives with vastly different paths to finding joy and purpose.

This is a conference for ALL who work with (or would like to work with) flower essences, regardless of experience.

  • Flower Essence Practitioners
  • Herbalists
  • Naturopaths
  • Acupuncturists
  • Homeopaths
  • Complimentary Healthworkers
  • Bodyworkers
  • Self-Healers and Family Caretakers
  • Community Helpers
  • Health, Wellness and Life Coaches
  • Energy Healers
  • Yoga Teachers
  • Anyone interested in flower essences!

Themes of the Conference are:

  • Crisis Resilience:  Much of the population is feeling worn out and traumatized by  climate and ecological crisis, pandemic challenges, and political  aggression, while trying to envision what survival and regeneration will  entail in the coming years. 
  • Support for Sensitives:  We know that many who are drawn to Flower Essences and Flower  Essence Therapy are Highly Sensitive Persons and Empaths, who best  respond to the gentle healing power of Flower Essences and are also the  ones that most need the resilience they offer. 
  • Trauma Awareness:  There is a growing awareness of the impact that trauma has on our  ability to cope and heal, and we all would do well to become more Trauma  Informed in order to understand both the power and limitations of  Flower Essence Therapy in this regard. 
  • Knowledge Sharing:  During these challenging times there has been a growing interest in  Flower Essences, and those of us who have experienced how much they help  humans in periods of transformation yearn to share the insights of  Nature’s wisdom.

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